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SES Engineering Services (SES) is recognised as one of the leading M&E partners in the UK, delivering for a wide range of customers across all sectors.

Our Scope of Services

During the pre-construction phase of our project, a thorough review was conducted on the consultant-produced indicative designs for the fire detection system and emergency voice communication system. This comprehensive examination ensured that these crucial safety components were not only designed effectively but also complied with all relevant regulations and standards.

As part of this process, our team was dedicated to providing a detailed and complex design that encompassed even the most challenging aspects, such as hazardous explosive areas. This intricate approach was crucial to obtaining the necessary building warrant approval, demonstrating our commitment to adhering to all safety protocols and regulatory requirements.

Our involvement extended beyond the conceptual stage to encompass pre-construction technical and commercial governance. We took pride in offering professional representation in matters of technical resolution that arose during the installation of the system. This proactive approach ensured that any potential challenges were addressed promptly and efficiently, minimising disruptions and facilitating a smooth construction process.

Furthermore, our commitment to quality assurance extended into the post-construction phase. A thorough audit was conducted to assess the system's implementation, identifying any areas of non-compliance and making detailed observations. The culmination of this assessment was a comprehensive recommendation report, providing insights into potential improvements and ensuring that the final construction aligned seamlessly with safety standards.

In summary, our pre-construction services not only involved a meticulous review and approval process but also included ongoing technical and commercial governance, proactive issue resolution, and a post-construction audit. This holistic approach reflected our dedication to delivering a fire detection and emergency communication system that not only met but exceeded the highest safety standards.

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